Thursday, October 31, 2019

Dirct and eMarketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dirct and eMarketing - Essay Example This connection between good levels of customer service and good levels of customer satisfaction and retention underpins the common association of customer service with keeping, rather than winning, customers. Customer service therefore plays a pivotal role in relationship marketing. Getting this role right, and to a standard of expertise that is superior to that of competitors and sustainable in the longer term, requires an in-depth understanding of the nature and nuance of customer service. Knowing customers means closing the loop between the messages sent to them and the messages they send back. Developments in IT have led to interactive communication tools such as the mobile phones being used to complement less interactive mechanisms such as mail or media advertisements. Growing use of carefully targeted direct mail has characterized this as the age of addressability. "Mobile commerce refers to transactions using a wireless device and data connection that result in the transfer of value in exchange for information, services, or goods. Mobile commerce, facilitated generally by mobile phones, includes services such as banking, payment, and ticketing" (Mobile commerce, 2005). "Some organisations view m-Commerce as merely another e-Commerce channel, those organisations that exploit the m-Commerce channel properly by developing alternative and complementary propositions will be more successful in m-Commerce" (E-Commerce, 2001). For suppliers, building longer-term customer relationships with the help of m-commerce means maintaining a dynamic knowledge of customers' requirements, preferences and expectations. While corner shop managers may be able to retain customer likes and dislikes in their heads, larger organizations need customer relationship management systems which manage data throughout the customer life-cycle, from initial contact, through information exchange and sales, to delivery and post-sales service. "Elsewhere in Asia, subscribers to Hong Kong mobile service Sunday can receive offers from shops as they pass them in the mall"(May, 2001). This interaction is as important with the mobile as with any other communication medium, and outsource its development and operations with minimal provision for information transfer - hence repeating the mistakes often made in the early days of the call centre. As surveys continue to show, advertising products and services with the help of m-commerce is relatively easy; more difficult, but absolutely crucial, is to gather vital customer information, obtain customer feedback, utilize existing knowledge about the customer and exploit the interactive nature to add value though product configuration (Evans, O'Malley, 2004). For instance, "a European-based mobile operator recently had some tickets for a pop concert for sale. Having identified a target audience, specials offers were sent to mobile customers by SMS allowing them to buy tickets at a discounted rate. Within an hour, all the tickets had been sold for approximately $100 each, customer details had been captured, and most customers had given permission for further follow up offers" (E-commerce, 2001). It is apparent that some industries are being restructured as organizations redefine themselves to take advantage of IT-enabled marketing, or are replaced by newcomers which operate

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

This module is entitled Performance Management. What do you think is Essay

This module is entitled Performance Management. What do you think is meant by this title - Essay Example s theory believes that motivated behaviour creates unwanted drives and desires in an employee and hampers his/her work equilibrium both externally and internally. Efforts should be made to reduce the unwanted desires/drives of employees (Kandula, 2006, p. 12). They give an insight into, how the company is advancing. They help in evaluating the operational and organizational goals of the company. Non-financial objectives help in strengthening the framework of the company and help in achieving long term operational goals (The Knowledge behind the News, 2000). Sears Holding Corporation is the third largest retailer in the USA. After the company merged with Kmart Corporation, It started following the performance management technique which led to a healthy working atmosphere and increased the leadership skills of the managers and improved the productivity of the employees (Smither, and London, 2009). The company CISCO has introduced a new software called Cisco Application Performance Management (APM) service which helps employees to have unlimited access to wireless Local Area Network and data centres (Cisco, n.d.). This has helped in reducing the operational costs, strategic costs, initial capital outlay and sales turnover The increasing competitiveness among employees and business organizations has steadily increased. The human resource of the organization can only help in achieving its organizational goal and this can be a significant tool in increasing healthy competitiveness among employees. Let us take an example and evaluate the effectiveness of performance management. If an employee spends more time in interacting with the clients than spending time in the office, it would enhance their efficiency levels. This is a practical approach which helps the company to achieve its strategic goals. Job analysis is a perquisite for performance management. Understanding the job role not only gives clarity to the employees but also a clear understanding of how their

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Against Hitler

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Against Hitler Dietrich Bonhoeffer is remembered for many things. He was a highly influential theologian and preacher. His importance as a theologian has only increased since his death. However, he is also remembered for his opposition against Nazi Germany. For the purposes of this paper, I look at three aspects of Bonhoeffers involvement. First, I examine his statements against Hitler and the extent to which he sought to make his opinions known. Second, I consider his involvement in conspiracies to eliminate Hitler. Lastly, I examine Bonhoeffers reflections on his actions, which he wrote while in prison. Although Bonhoeffers actions may raise many questions of morality and ethics, there is no doubt that he played a significant role within the opposition of Nazi Germany. When many people study the Holocaust, they fault Christians for remaining silent as Hitler performed one horrific act after another. Many would say that silence was just as horrible as killing the victims. Bonhoeffer cannot be faulted for this. Rather, he proved to be very outspoken. One of his most popular speeches was that on a German radio show. He was to speak on The Younger Generations Altered View of the Concept of Fuhrer in the Berlin Potsdamerstrasse Voxhaus (broadcasting house). Dietrich was not hesitant to express how he felt about the Fuhrer principle. This speech was given on February 1, 1933, and Hitler had just risen to power days prior. Much of Bonhoeffers words addressed the notion that the youth had been led astray concerning their concept of the Fuhrer. His boldest statement was said toward the end of the broadcast. However, once broadcasters realized that these words should not be heard by others, he was turned off. This was proof that Joseph Goebbels (the Nazi min ister of propaganda) had most likely gained the control of the radio station. Bonhoeffer stated that his speech was carefully planned to fit the allotted time. His final sentences read, should the leader surrender to the wishes of his followers, who would always make him their idol- then the image of the Leader will gradually become the image of the misleaderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Leaders or offices which set themselves up as gods mock God (Bethge, pg. 260). His entire speech was later copied and distributed. Bonhoeffer felt that the Fuhrer principle was nothing short of idolatry. Therefore, he was implying that Hitler demanded his people to worship him. This was contempt. This proved to be one of Dietrich Bonhoeffers first outbursts on Hitler. However, there were many others of the sort. There is an account in which Bishop Bell gives that he speaks of Bonhoeffer being very outspoken against Germany. Bell recalls sitting with him amongst others at a friends home in Geneva. Dietrich is approached with the question about what he is praying for. He responds with very harsh statements. If you want to know the truth, I pray for the defeat of my nation, for I believe that is the only way to pay for all the suffering which my country has caused in the world (Bosanquet, pg. 229). He was much convicted about the acts of injustice in which Hitler was repeatedly performing. Bonhoeffer knew that the annihilation of the Jews was wrong, and he was not ashamed to let others know his beliefs. Bell gives an account of a later statement that Bonhoeffer made, If we claim to be Christians there is no room for expediency. Hitler is Antichrist; therefore we must go on with our work and eliminate him, whether he be successful or not (Bosanquet, pg. 229). He felt that it was necessary for him to aid in the elimination of the Fuhrer. Next, I study Bonhoeffers involvement in the conspiracy to kill Hitler. He participated in the Abwehr, which was the military counter intelligence. Within this group was also his brother-in-law, Hans von Dohnanyi. It is said that Dohnanyi was directly involved in the plot to assassinate Hitler. However, Bonhoeffer had somewhat of a different role. It was his duty to contact other countries to gain their support if the assassination were to prove successful. He spent much time traveling, making others aware of the resistance movement. He felt that it was important to know that they had allies assuming that the German government was taken over. Upon visiting Geneva, he attempted to convince them of this, What they needed, Dietrich explained, was a signal from the Allies that once the Nazis were overthrown, the Allies were prepared to recognize a new German government (Raum, pg. 126). This was clearly a well thought out plan. Dietrich traveled to Norway, Italy, as well as Switzerland to gain the support of Bishop Bell. He also attempted to make connections with other German resistance groups, but difficulties arose. A very important assassination attempt took place on March 7, 1943. Hitler was traveling to East Prussia by way of plane. A gift disguised as a box of Brandy was given to him. However, it was a bomb. The bomb was sneaked onto the plane, but it never ignited. Involved in this attempt were members of the Abwehr. This included General Oster, Admiral Canaris, Dohnanyi, Fabian von Schlabrendorff, and General Henning von Tresckow (Raum, pg. 132). Due to the failed attempt, the Abwehr decided to try again. They developed another strategy to kill Hitler. Hitler was originally scheduled to attend a ceremony at an army museum on March 16, 1943, however he rescheduled for March 21st. Colonel von Gersdorff was supposed to get the bomb into Hitlers presence without causing much commotion, even if this meant killing himself in the process. Needless to say, this attempt failed as well. Fortunately, they were not caught in the attempt to execute the assassination. Bonhoeffer was at home with his family during this attempt; however he was expecting a phone call announcing Hitlers assassination, and was disappointed to hear of the failed endeavor. There was in fact a third attempt to kill Hitler, but Bonhoeffer had already been arrested. He was arrested in 1943 in connection with the assassination attempt on Hitler (Scott and Cavanaugh, pg. 139). However, since the Abwehr was a secret group, many of the documents were hidden or destroyed. As a result, there was limited evidence. Much of the evidence used to arrest Bonhoeffer was his connection to Operation 7. The operation was designed to help to free several Jews. The Abwehr was attempting to help the Jews to Switzerland. The fact that Bonhoeffer was involved in several attempts to kill Hitler raises many questions. Due to the fact that Dietrich considered himself a devout member of the Confessing Church makes one question how his beliefs would support such an act. However, Dietrich does not express any conviction about his involvement in the multiple plots to murder Hitler. Bonhoeffer clearly felt that the assassination of Hitler was the last resort. Hitlers actions were proving to gain momentum and were spinning out of control. Therefore Dietrich felt that it was necessary to take action. Through the reading of his writings leading up to his death, he does not seem to be living in fear. He almost appears to be welcoming death. In the first sentence of a writing titled Death, he states Come now thou greatest of feasts on the journey to freedom eternal (Bosanquet, pg. 265). As one can see, Bonhoeffer appears to be at great peace with his fate. Many within the prison commented that Bonhoeffer seemed to be very lively and almost happy. Others would argue that this was due to the fact that the Soviets were closing in and that the prisoners were anticipating liberation. However, fellow prisoners describe it as an inner joy that he experienced. This joy Bonhoeffer desired to share with others. During his imprisonment at Tegel while awaiting trial, many descri be Bonhoeffer as victorious. Bonhoeffer experienced a change of heart. As a result, he no longer viewed his own sufferings within prison as something of which he should be concerned. Rather he stated, we throw ourselves completely into the arms of God, taking seriously not our own sufferings, but the sufferings of God in the world (Bosanquet, pg. 271). Bonhoeffer viewed the acts of injustice as not only actions taken against innocent victims, he saw them as actually taking unjust actions toward God. It appears as if Dietrich did not view his involvement in the Abwehr as wrong. Through his writings in prison and the comments of others, he had a clear conscience and eagerly awaited his arrival in Heaven. In conclusion, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a very influential person during the World War II and especially in opposition to the Nazi Regime. As one can see in his radio broadcast, from the beginning he was very outspoken against Hitler and the Fuhrer principle. He was very bold in comparing this principle to the mockery of God. He played a very active role in the military counter intelligence (Abwehr). Bonhoeffer never hesitated in completing his assignments to gain support of the actions to overthrow the German government. Many would agree that Dietrich Bonhoeffer was very confident that his actions against Hitler were not wrong. Rather, he felt that they were his duty as a result of a conviction to do the right thing. His statements on death and also his inner joy as a result of a relationship with God greatly support this claim.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Handmaids Tale Essays: Offred :: Handmaids Tale Essays

Offred of The Handmaids Tale I have decided to analyze the main character Offred because she seams to feel trapped in this new society. She speaks very openly about the situation thats she's in and plays her actions very well. I will do an overall analysis of her actions. Offred is a very strange character. She follows the new rules of her society unlike her rebellious friend Moira. But you can also tell that Offred misses her family very much and she always goes back in her head to remember the past. "Our happiness is part memory. What I remember is Luke, with me in the hospital, standing beside my head, holding my hand....." (Atwood pg.126) But Offred has replaced Luke in this new world with Nick who will be the next man standing beside her bedside. There are also times when Offred acts as if she wants to forget who she really is or was. "But thats where I am, there's no escaping it. time's a trap, I'm caught in it. I must forget about my secret name and all ways back. My name is Offred now, and here is where I live.... I am thirty- three years old. I have brown hair. I stand five seven without shoes. I have trouble remembering what I use to look like. I viable ovaries. I have one more chance." Here it seams as if all Offred values is her ovaries because thats what everyone else values and now she feels as if thats her only way to survive through this society. (Atwood pg.143) Now that Offred has this relationship with the Commander and Nick at the same same time. She feels as if she has power in the sense that she's the only one that knows whats going on with the Commander. She loves having something over Serena Joy. "The fact is that I'm his mistress. Men at the top have always had mistresses, why should things be any different now ?.... Sometimes I think she knows.... and is laughing at me as I laugh, from time to time and with irony, at myself." She sees this as a joke to the whole center. But this gives her something to look forward to. She enjoys his company and she loves the fact that she has this secret which no one else knows about. "But even so, and stupidly enough, I'm happier than I was before. Free Handmaid's Tale Essays: Offred :: Handmaid's Tale Essays Offred of The Handmaids Tale I have decided to analyze the main character Offred because she seams to feel trapped in this new society. She speaks very openly about the situation thats she's in and plays her actions very well. I will do an overall analysis of her actions. Offred is a very strange character. She follows the new rules of her society unlike her rebellious friend Moira. But you can also tell that Offred misses her family very much and she always goes back in her head to remember the past. "Our happiness is part memory. What I remember is Luke, with me in the hospital, standing beside my head, holding my hand....." (Atwood pg.126) But Offred has replaced Luke in this new world with Nick who will be the next man standing beside her bedside. There are also times when Offred acts as if she wants to forget who she really is or was. "But thats where I am, there's no escaping it. time's a trap, I'm caught in it. I must forget about my secret name and all ways back. My name is Offred now, and here is where I live.... I am thirty- three years old. I have brown hair. I stand five seven without shoes. I have trouble remembering what I use to look like. I viable ovaries. I have one more chance." Here it seams as if all Offred values is her ovaries because thats what everyone else values and now she feels as if thats her only way to survive through this society. (Atwood pg.143) Now that Offred has this relationship with the Commander and Nick at the same same time. She feels as if she has power in the sense that she's the only one that knows whats going on with the Commander. She loves having something over Serena Joy. "The fact is that I'm his mistress. Men at the top have always had mistresses, why should things be any different now ?.... Sometimes I think she knows.... and is laughing at me as I laugh, from time to time and with irony, at myself." She sees this as a joke to the whole center. But this gives her something to look forward to. She enjoys his company and she loves the fact that she has this secret which no one else knows about. "But even so, and stupidly enough, I'm happier than I was before.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Example Investigative Fire Report

Access to the property is at the gravel driveway to the left and I made entry into the Truckee was made through the front door after documenting photos of the outside of the structure. The fire occurred during the day, which was bright and sunny with temperature at degrees, there was also a slight breeze at about MPH from the n/ w. The breeze would have been blowing against the backside corner of the home. Witnesses/Occupants 0-1 : john Bush, 100 Eddie Lane, Bottoms, NC 28001 DOBB 12-01-88, occupation – student/part- time evening meme. -2: Susan Bush, 100 Eddie Lane, Bottoms, NC 28001 DOBB 5-11-91, occupation – Statements Made by Witnesses/Occupants Statements made to Fire Captain: 0-2: Said she was up late studying, Just laid down on the couch, fell asleep, did not know how the fire started. Felt sure it was a problem with the house, complained several times to the landlord about problems with no response, complained of several welling Issues. Salad she was a smoker bu t stated put cigarettes completely out while doing her work. 0-1 : John had agreed with Susan confirming the issues with the wiring.He also stood behind his wife and said she was always safe with her cigarettes Observations Data collection began with photos being taken beginning outside and moving indoors. No smoke alarms or water sprinklers have been noted. Pictures should always be labeled when providing evidence and these photos will be numbered In this report. Upon entry of the structure, the majority of fire damage was concentrated to the main living room area which indicates that this is the point of origin. This room contained a heavily burned sofa and table next to the sofa as shown in pictures #12- #14, the major fuel sources in the room.The fire moved up the wall and across the lining, as shown in pictures #6 & At the front door, the heat and smoke began to roll-down and cause damage, as seen In picture #10. Two mattresses are In an The windows in many of the photos remain ed closed with burned shades which means the fire did not have adequate ventilation to grow rapidly through the structure. The windows which are open may have been opened during suppression of the fire or immediately afterwards to ventilate the structure.One interesting observation in photo #2 is the power box which has no meter, meaning there is no power set up by the power company to this structure. Unless the occupants are stealing power, then an electrical fire can be ruled out. No generator can be seen and no drop cords were photographed, so the theory is that there is no power to the structure (Morris, 4/23/14). Opinions/Theories The point of origin being in the living room with the heaviest damage focused on the end of the sofa and the table next to the sofa.Based on the statements made by the occupants three hypotheses exist as to the cause of the fire: 1 . Based on the severity of the damage to the end of the sofa in photos #12-#14 & #17-#19 and the tenements made by the oc cupants regarding the smoking of cigarettes, a smoldering cigarette fell into the cushions of the sofa and later ignited. In the incipient stage, the temperature had not begun to rise yet and a plume of hot gases rises from the flame (p. 55). Pictures #15-#17 show alligator of the wood in the sofa at the one end which also indicates this is where the fire originated (p. 281).The fuels burned and the heat moved toward the top of the room, this explains the blackening of the ceiling. With the lack of ventilation, the fire did not spread quickly which provided refreshers enough time to respond and suppress. 2. Also, based on the statements made by the occupants regarding smoking cigarettes, I would want to know more about how they normally discarded/dispose of their cigarette butts. Are they dumping an ashtray in a trashcan inside or outside? Could there have been an ashtray on the table next to the sofa which contained either a still lit cigarette or a smoldering cigarette?If so, what type of ashtray? Metal, glass, heavy or lightweight? If any windows were open and the ashtray was light enough, could it have blown off or loon then cigarette off onto the sofa and ignited the fire? This is a working theory because there are questions which need to be answered. 3. Going on the assumption that there is no electricity to the home, it is highly possible there may have been a burning candle either on the window sill behind the sofa or on the table next to the sofa which may have fallen or tipped towards the sofa which ignited the sofa.With statistics showing that 7 out of 10 people in America burn candles and the added question regarding power in this structure, it is a workable theory that a Andre accidentally ignited this fire (p. 173). In photos #12, #13, #19 & #20, the window directly behind the end of the sofa which is mostly burned being the origin of the fire, is also heavily blackened from soot and has a darker â€Å"U† burn pattern on the right lower si de (p. 258-263). There is no physical evidence to suspect an incendiary cause of the fire to the structure. The evidence and observation supports an accidental cause.Documentation/Evidence A total of 21 photos are attached to the report of the outside and inside of the structure. Close up photos of the point of origin are included. Where recovered, where sent for analysis, and any special notes are included. Summary of Incident On April 21, 2014, Investigator Boiling responded to 100 Eddie Lane, at the request of the Captain from Engine 1 . Arrival at the scene by the unit was 0200 hours. The investigator observed a wood-frame construction, two-story, one-family residence. The investigation revealed that the fire had originated in the living room at the end of the sofa.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Challenges facing college student Essay

College life is changing for nearly every student. From meal plans and roommates to study abroad and college finances. College life can be a difficult thing to get used to and handle. There will be a lot of time where you doubt yourself and your decision.A lot of student became overwhelm by the requirement of college, the change that took place too fast. No matter how prepared you think you are for college, there are still of shock when you come and have to deal with responsible, the stress of school. and adapting to college campus. The most frequent complaint heard from college students is that their professors are out to fail them and ruin their chance at getting a career. But, what they need to understand is that the professors job is not to force you to do your work, they will not follow you home to make sure that you do what you have to in order to pass the class. Responsible,that seem to be the thing a lot of freshman students seem to lack. They think that they can get away with the same thing that they have been getting away with in high school, that their teacher will pressure them to do their homework and class works in order to pass the class. What they need to understand that they are paying for the education that they are getting, it is up to them if they choose to take it seriously or not. However, it is hard for some kids to go from a high school where their teacher would be on their back about the work their missing work to a college student where the professor would tell them what they need to do and it is up to them if they complete the work or not. Read more:  How to Overcome Challenges Essay On our defence, it hard sometime to go from having some one holding your hand to having to do everything on your own. In your first year of high school, the teacher tell you that they are not here to babysit anyone, they are here to prepare you for college. Yet,they would still hold student hand through the whole process and some can’t break through that phase and take responsible for their own success. what they should do if they are having a hard is to seek help, go see a tutor, work out a time management schedule for your self, and work on doing thing by your self. Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility. One of the great destroyers of college students is the belief that thing are very complex, and falling victim to stress. Stress in student happens when student are trying to adjust to college life, emotionally or mentally. Students today face many issues in their life that may clash with their college life like family problem, loss of employment, and school related issues. Student under a lot of stress can end up having depression which could cause student to believe that they are not living up to others expectation or their own expectation. Student end up giving up on their dream and getting some where in life and start doing poorly in school. Most students do not know how to handle the stress they have so they use alcohol, drugs or cheating as a stress reliever. It doesn’t get rid of the feeling you are having it only increase and get more complex until you can handle it no more.if you feel this way go see a student counslor , call a 24-hour help ling, or just find a good friend and tell them hoe you been feeling and together you can get the help you need.In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers. A majority student go out of state for their college experiences, the desire to get a degree at a university can be a rewarding experience but it can be a challenges to living on campus. For many it is the first time outside of the protection of their family’s security. Coming from parent that used to provide all they need and set the boundaries they went by. When they unleash to the life of a college student where the same life they used to live don’t apply any more. Some student take advantage of their new found freedom to try new thing like drinking, smoking, parties out with friend, wasting hundreds of dollar ruin their college years. Other fall under the pressure and fall prey to depression and bad thoughts. Taking advantage of your freedom can be in a good way like joining clubs, and spending your money wisely. If you new friend want you to join with them smoking and drinking then you need to get a new group if friend that would have a positive influences on you. The only time success occurs before work is in the dictionary. Too many student enter college thinking that theres nothing but good time, friendship, and a new change of direction. They soon come face to face with the challenges and struggles of college life. The challenge of having to take care of their education, having to depend on yourself for success. The struggle of feeling like you are a fail to everyone around you. The difficulty of getting used to all you used to know. They need to keep in their mind â€Å" Before you can work smart, you must work hard†. Opportunities don’t just happen, you need to create them.