Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Ways To Improve The Impact Of Contraceptives By High School Students Research Paper

Ways To Improve The Impact Of Contraceptives By High School Students - Research Paper Example The research will use secondary data from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and other medical journals. Analyzing the data collection will use both quantitative and qualitative methods to ensure that the results are correct and reliable. The major challenges of the research are the unwillingness of the students and parents to participate in an interview about sexuality and the best methods to improve the impact of the initiative. The broad topic and the lack of primary data may tamper with the results, but I intend to prove to the readers that there are better ways to implement the initiative to ensure maxi. Many researchers tend to research on adolescence behaviors and the impact of the environment on their growth and development. These researchers are broad and fail to shed light on the sexuality of the teenagers. The rising rate of teenage pregnancies in the USA led to the government approving the use of contraceptives to high school students due to the high rates of te enage pregnancies and STIs infections. The approval to provide contraceptives to these students has decreased the rate of STIs infections, but teenage pregnancy is still on the rise.  The purpose of this research is to identify and discuss ways to improve the impact of contraceptives use by high school students. Since I   believe in the provision of contraceptives to high-school students, I intend to discuss the best strategy to ensure maximum benefits of the initiative.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Operations management for creating competitive advantage Essay

Operations management for creating competitive advantage - Essay Example For instance, locations are first selected keeping in mind the country, then the region and lastly the site. Stakeholders, especially the shareholders are taken care of by maximizing the profits of the company and putting back profits in the betterment of the company only. Some of the recommendations that have been given are that of using mathematical techniques in choosing locations and the starting of slotting fees. The budget that will be used is to hire trained human resources and the huge costs for buying backward links that is suppliers. The innovative recommendation is that of using scent marketing. All in all, the company Tesco is practicing efficient operations management but there is always room for improvement, if they want to sustain their position of market leader. This case study is aimed at applying the theoretical side of the study of operations management to a real world company. Operations management is a very broad term and thus it incorporates within itself many various issues and activities through which an organization’s goods and services are changed and transformed from the inputs that were put to the outputs that are produced. It is about the various operations that are performed on the goods and services from the moment their production starts to the moment the customer receives it. In this report, Britain-based company Tesco has been aimed and its operations management activities have been analyzed. Recommendations on how OM activities can be improved have also been given. The report also evaluates the various financials behind the activities as well as the budget that may be required. The problem faced by Tesco is that of sustaining its market leader position. Competition from Sainsbury and other leading retail stores is a big threat for Tesco and it does not want to lose out on market share to these competitors. Thus, improving on operations management is one of the basic things that it can