Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Causes And Consequences Of Children Obesity - 1841 Words

Causes of Children Obesity Imagine yourself walking into a kindergarten class, and all you see are obese children not walking, but moving on wheels because they simply cannot walk anymore due to their excess body weight. Their legs are so weak since they have to handle so much more weight than what they are designed to do. This vision may no longer be fictional if the world keeps ignoring the issue of childhood obesity. Nowadays, not only adults, but the number of children who are obese are incredibly high. The topic has to be taken more seriously because it is not only bad for their health obviously but it is also abusive. Youngsters with obesity will tend to stay obese when they grow up and we can all agree it is not so pleasant to be†¦show more content†¦However, in order to achieve these â€Å"amazing skills†, our youngsters have to do nothing but sit in one place with their machines on hands. For instance, Gary Ruskin has shown us the number of hours in which youth spend on watching televi sion each week, â€Å"The average American child watches 19 hours and 40 minutes of TV per week--more than a thousand hours each year† ( paragraph 14). This has shown how inactive kids are in theses days. Thus, it has been confirmed by the research Relationship of Physical Activity and Television watch with Body Weight and the level of Fatness Among Children that watching TV plays a big part in child obesity since the human body cannot burn much fat efficiently when in the state of not physically active. Although American kids are doing harm to themselves by sitting and doing nothing, the case gets even worse when we look at the minorities such as African American kids, â€Å"African American teens watch 40 percent more prime time TV per week and nearly twice as much daytime TV as other teens† (Ruskin, paragraph 15). These facts are terrifying as it shows how unhealthy our next generations would be if this trend keep goes up. There are several reasons for this situatio n. One may comes from financial burdens which lead to kids having no luxuries in doing sports or

Monday, December 16, 2019

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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Managing Complexity Compete Value Framework -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Managing Complexity Compete Value Framework? Answer: Introduction The competing value framework is one of the most influential and extensive model that has been used particularly to the organizational culture. In this week there was application of the competing values framework to this study (Cameron Quinn, 2011). In this week it was developing and communication a vision. As a manager in the organization there is need to vision statement which could speak to the employee, and at the same time encourage them to feel a part of the team. In this competency is in the second quadrant. In this quadrant the manager does not control the employees but rather inspire them. This leads to respect and commitment from the workers and it is crucial especially in improving the productivity and increasing the productivity of the organization. The relevant competency highlighted was innovator and the theory is goal setting that is based on the adaptability, growth and readiness for the manager (Tong Arvey, 2015). They are significant to the manager since they would be inspired and be able to effectively inspire other to the vision of the organization. I have discovered various things about myself in this week. I got some ability to craft vision and at the same try develop and communicate a vision. This has been portrayed from the project which we were undertaking I was able to guide the team members towards a focused objective to be able to do the project. Week 8 In this week reading on my take on the topic there was application of the competing value framework to the study on motivating self and others. As a manager one of the competencies is to motivate the employees which in turn affect the productivity positively. We are in the internal quadrant. In this quadrant the manager are responsible in combining the right combination of the motivational techniques along with rewards in order to satisfy the workers needs and encourage them to perform (Ancarani, Di Mauro Giammanco, 2009). The competency which is discussed is facilitator and mentor and the theory which we looked at was the expectancy theory. Based on this theory employees behaves in a given manner because they are motivated to select a given behavior due to what they expect the result of the behavior selected would be. As a manager this competency is important since they will identify the conditions for motivating the workers and works towards that. When the employees are rewarded based on the performance, they tend to behave in a certain way and they become more productive. I have learnt quite many things during this week topic in regards to motivation and this has made me understand myself better. As a leader I need to channel motivation towards accomplishing a given tasks. It could be within even the classroom set up, I need to motivate my fellow colleague in doing tasks and one way would be through motivating which could be intrinsic reward not necessarily extrinsic. This way I will become a better leader and help change others perspective to a positive manner. In this week it was on managing execution and driving for the results. There was application of the competing values framework to this study. In this study the objective is driving and implementing of the result to get things done (Billmeyer, 2006). The managers need to get done effectively and efficiently rather than just doing things within the organization. The quadrant that we are in is the external-control quadrant. The contemporary role of the managers falls in this quadrant. Their role consists of working productively, managing time and fostering a productive working environment. The competency look at is that coordinator and the theory is rational goal model. This competency makes a good manager because they are able to plan well and be able to manage the execution of various projects within organization (Quinn, Bright, Faerman, Thompson McGrath, 2014). They are able to execute their own time and consolidate their time to meet those tasks efficiently. I have discovered about myself that I need to develop this competency, since it would enable me manage my time well. Over sometime I have not been managing my time well in doing my tasks and this competency has shaped on my perspective of managing tasks effective and efficiently. This week study on championing and selling new ideas applied the competing values framework. It highlighted mainly on the substance and the style of communicating in regards to championing and selling ideas. The quadrant that is in this study is internal-control quadrant. This quadrant consists of building and maintaining a power base, presenting ideas along with negotiating of the agreement as well as commitment (Zohdi, 2017). The competency which we look at innovator and this is significant to a manager to a great deal. The manager needs to foster creative environment and create creative changes (Zohdi, 2017). The competency comprise of the framework which help in improving the quality of the manager communication and the ability to coach other employees in the organization. Based on the reading of the study I have discussed that am an innovator. I always foster on creating an environment and I sometimes offer a creative change. I always do things which could challenge me to see the blind spot and from this I tend to become creative. In this week study it is on negotiation and in this it has applied the competing values framework. Negotiation is not limited to any sessions and individual more often negotiate anytime. The quadrant is the external-flexible. The managers are responsible for facilitating participative decision making and at the same time making decisions in both personal and professional life (Kim, 2015). The competency that was looked at was being a broker or the facilitator. The competency could be helpful to the manager since they could use it to negotiating (Kim, 2015). They could exert some impact in the organization especially in knowing what individuals are ready to accept. The theory of focus is the human relations model where it is based on the cohesion and morale with emphasis on human resource particularly when negotiating. From this study I have discovered about myself that I have some negotiation skills. This has been exhibited in the classroom and outside classroom. For instance, when buying something I tend to use some negotiation skills to bargain a given item at a discounted price. This study has provided with comprehensive content which would enhance these skills. References Ancarani, A., Di Mauro, C., Giammanco, M. D. (2009). How are organisational climate models and patient satisfaction related? A competing value framework approach. Social science medicine, 69(12), 1813-1818. Billmeyer, R. (2006). Strategies to engage the mind of the learner: Creating strategic learners. ameron, K. S., Quinn, R. E. (2011). Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: Based on the competing values framework. John Wiley Sons. Kim, K., Kim, J. (2015, August). A Role of Information Security Committee based on Competing Values Framework. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2015 (p. 32). ACM. Tong, Y. K., Arvey, R. D. (2015). Managing complexity via the competing values framework. Journal of Management Development, 34(6), 653-673. Quinn, R. E., Bright, D., Faerman, S. R., Thompson, M. P., McGrath, M. R. (2014). Becoming a master manager: A competing values approach. John Wiley Sons Zohdi, T. I. (2017). An agent-based computational framework for simulation of competing hostile planet-wide populations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 314, 513-526.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Popular music and thinking errors

The contemporary society is full of things that can, possibly, affect the minds of young people adversely. Whatever these young people listen to, watch on television or in videos or even hear from others has the possibility of influencing their lives for the better or for the worse. One such phenomenon that has greatly polluted the minds of young people is music. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Popular music and thinking errors specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Young people are fond of listening to controversial music that can adversely affect their minds and even lead to depression in them. Being young, I am no exception. My favourite genre of music is rock which is mostly filled with pessimistic and angry messages in its lyrics. This paper is an exploration of how the lyrics in popular music may cause thinking errors in people and, possibly, lead to depression. Rock is one kind of music in which most songs por tray the same message. The message in the lyrics of rock songs is mostly that life is not worth living with the lyrics filled with numerous pessimistic and angry lines. Take for example the rock song I Hate Everything About You that is done by Three Days Grace. The lyrics of this song show a lot of hopelessness. First the singer shows how much he hates his girlfriend and asks why he does love her. This is an indication that relationships are more or less meant for convenience and that a person can hook up with just anybody. The listener may fail to get the reason why love is mixed with hate in this song. The singer claims that he loves his girlfriend and yet he hates everything about her. Life is also portrayed negatively since it does not make sense for the singer to continue seeing his girlfriend if he hates everything about her. As stated above, the lyrics show how hopeless life is to the singer. This is a perfect example of thinking errors caused by depression. Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It can be assumed that the singer spends a lot of time thinking about how imperfect his girlfriend is and being angry about it. This is the definition of depression. The song can potentially make another person to scrutinize their relationships more leading to a depression like that of the singer. Another similar song is She Hates Me, a rock song done by Puddle Of Mudd. The singer explains how he met a girl and fell in love with her. After knowing each other, he came to realize that she hated him. It is apparent from this explanation that the singer is very negative towards relationships and life. All he can see in the relationship is that the girl hates him and he cannot help to say he is glad that he split up with her. The lyrics are very hopeless and shows a person who lacks self esteem and who is probably in depression due to the same. The negativity in the s ing can also be very infectious to a listener who likes the song. It may make the listener to develop the characteristics of the singer portrayed in the lyrics. From the discussion above, it is apparent that the lyrics in popular music can have very disastrous effects on its listeners. People listening to negative, pessimistic and angry lyrics in a genre they like may be influenced to develop these characteristics. Most of these cases may eventually result in the depression of the listener due to the thinking errors in the song. This essay on Popular music and thinking errors was written and submitted by user Stryfe to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Oppose and Opposed To

Oppose and Opposed To Oppose and Opposed To Oppose and Opposed To By Maeve Maddox A reader questions the use of the preposition against to follow the verb oppose in this example from an entertainment site: [Madonna] wanted to be the only female voice of the band, and opposed against the introduction of another female vocalist. The reader asks, â€Å"Isn’t opposed enough?† Yes. In this sentence, the meaning of opposed is objected to or was against. The transitive verb is sufficient: She opposed the introduction of another female vocalist. NOTE: The verb oppose has several meanings. This post is about the use of oppose to mean, â€Å"to object to,† â€Å"to be against.† Used transitively, oppose is followed directly by a noun or a pronoun (its direct object). Here are examples of correct usage: There are also personal, political, religious, and spiritual reasons to oppose capital punishment.   Top Ten Reasons to Oppose the  World Trade Organization   Why I oppose Common Core standards The men and women who  opposed womans suffrage  did so for many reasons.   Oppose also functions intransitively (no object). When it is followed by a prepositional phrase, the preposition to use is to, not against. Here are examples of intransitive use: Coach Gus Malzahn not opposed to switching divisions Why so many immigrants in Germany are opposed to the refugee influx Here are some examples of unidiomatic uses of oppose, with suggested corrections: INCORRECT: Woman Becomes an Atheist After She  Opposed Against  Prayer at Her Sons School   CORRECT: Woman Becomes an Atheist After She  Opposed Prayer at Her Sons School   INCORRECT: â€Å"I think this administration is adamantly  opposed against  fossil fuels, period,† said Young, Alaskas sole House member. CORRECT: â€Å"I think this administration is adamantly  opposed to fossil fuels, period,† said Young, Alaskas sole House member. INCORRECT: Are these people also  opposed against  the genocide the Caliphate is doing against Christians and Yazidis?   CORRECT: Are these people also  opposed to the genocide the Caliphate is doing against Christians and Yazidis?   INCORRECT: Yet there are plenty of [people] who are opposed against the scientific facts you throw around about vaccines. CORRECT: Yet there are plenty of [people] who are opposed to the scientific facts you throw around about vaccines. NOTE: A better revision for this example would be to choose a different verb altogether: Yet there are plenty of [people] who do not accept (or believe) the scientific facts you throw around about vaccines. INCORRECT: The Supreme Court of India  opposed against  any sort of hooliganism in the name of bandh in 1998, but political parties still organize them.   CORRECT: The Supreme Court of India  opposed any sort of hooliganism in the name of bandh in 1998, but political parties still organize them.   The concept of against is built into the verb oppose. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What Does [sic] Mean?5 Lessons for Mixing Past and Present TenseWords That Begin with Q

Friday, November 22, 2019

Four Advantages of Single-Sex Schools

Four Advantages of Single-Sex Schools A lot of research has shown that single-sex schools have a great deal of advantages. for students, with benefits ranging from confidence and empowerment to new activities and higher levels of achievement. For example, on the whole, girls and boys who are educated in single-sex schools gain more confidence than their coed peers. In addition, they make academic gains above those in co-ed schools. They also learn to gravitate towards untraditional areas that are not always accepted for their gender. For example, boys learn to love literature in boys schools, while girls in girls schools feel more comfortable with math and science. Though its hard to generalize about all single-sex schools, here are some commonalities that tend to characterize many single-sex schools: A More Relaxed Environment Despite the fact that many boys and girls schools are at the top of their game academically, they often have a more relaxed environment. This relaxed environment is created, in part, because boys and girls dont need to worry about impressing the other gender. The students can be themselves in class, and they can speak openly and honestly. At the same time, students in single-sex schools are often more willing to take risks because they do not fear falling on their face in front of the other sex. As a result, the classrooms in these schools are often dynamic, free, and bursting with ideas and conversation, all hallmarks of a great education. While teachers in co-ed schools sometimes beg their students to contribute to class discussion, this is not true in single-sex schools a great deal of the time. Fewer Cliques Though it is not always true, sometimes single-sex schools can help reduce cliques, particularly in girls schools. The girls again do not have to worry about impressing boys or seeming popular, common concerns in middle and high school. They can instead concentrate on their studies and being open to befriending the other girls, and there are often fewer cliques as a result. Though the stereotype about boys schools is that they are rough-and-tumble places in which boys are hazed, the reality is often quite different. While one cant generalize about all boys schools, in general, boys schools are places that do not involve hazing or cruelty. Boys in an all-boys environment tend to  not form cliques because they dont have to appear cool, and they are often more generous to their peers as a result. In many boys schools, there is room for all kinds of boys, and the less socially mature students are not punished, as they might be in a single-sex school. A More Tailored Curriculum The teaching at a single-sex private school can be tailored to all girls or all boys, and the ability to tailor the curriculum allows teachers to design classes that have the potential to really reach the students. For example, at boys schools, teachers can teach books that are likely more of interest to boys and find books that speak to boys and their concerns. For example, a class discussion of Hamlet in a boys school can involve a study of a boys coming-of-age and of father-son relationships. In a girls school, students can read books with strong heroines such as Jane Eyre or look at books such as The House of Mirth  that touch on how womens lives are affected by prevailing attitudes towards women. While such discussions are possible in co-ed schools, they can be more open and concentrated in a single-sex school. The Loss of Gender Stereotypes In addition, students in single-sex schools can gravitate without embarrassment towards untraditional subjects. In boys schools, male authors can come in to speak about their writing, and the students can ask questions without feeling embarrassed about being interested in writing, a subject that they might shy away from in a co-ed school. The same holds true for the arts, including visual arts, music, drama, dance, and even digital arts. In a girls school, female scientists and mathematicians can offer their experience, and girls can be interested without fearing that they appear dorky or unfeminine. The examples of how single-sex schools free students from gender stereotypes are endless. In addition, teachers in single-sex school can use methods that might interest their students. For example, in a boys school, they can use techniques that draw on boys energy, while in a girls school, they can offer the kinds of feedback that girls are most likely to accept. While each child is different and there is no one school that is right for all kids, there is no doubt that single-sex schools offer a great deal of advantages and a special atmosphere that encourages kids to feel comfortable and to learn. Article edited by  Stacy Jagodowski

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Who are you Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Who are you - Essay Example He will point out that soul is a non material substance that was hardly be transplanted with the help of a part of brain as the latter does not contain it in the strict meaning of this verb (Elkaisy-Friemuth and Dillon 2). One of the most important assumptions that are made by this kind of thinking is that if a body does, the soul is released free and there is no way to return it. It is understandable that Plato is not able to present any factual evidence to support his claims. That is why it would be logical to treat his position from the point of view of speculation as well as personal interpretation of the facts as Plato primarily refers to different consideration and logical models in order to convince the audience. The second friend who will express his opinion about the situation in question is Aristotle. His main argument will be focused on the idea that soul is closely connected to the body. Therefore, it is possible to influence the former with the help of the latter (Johansen 119). The most important assumption in this case is that if one locates the part of the body where the soul is, it is possible to remove it and place into a different body. Speaking of the factual evidence, Aristotle might suggest that unhealthy body is not able to produce a sound soul. While this evidence is factual, it may be rather difficult to verify as a lot of different abstract notions are taken into consideration. That is why, one would make no mistake while pointing out that the claims that are presented by Aristotle are also may be regarded as speculations. It is quite understandable that it is safe to accept the premises which are expressed by Plato regarding the impossibility of transplanting a soul with the help of a brain as the argument that he makes features sound logic. Of course, some might question several aspects of it such as What if the soul decided to choose a different

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Treats design as art Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Treats design as art - Assignment Example She emphasizes that in the contemporary times, designs need to be evolved to incorporate the important issues and compulsions of the times. The recessive economy, environment and sustainability of resources are vital issues where the designing of objects could make a significant impact. She says that designers are creative and have the ability to effectively use any material to make a difference to the world. She has accurately summed up the role of designers as the ‘biggest synthesizer in the world who (excels) in synthesizing the human needs’. Indeed, there design, sometimes may not be understood but the wider ramifications of those designs on the contemporary issues give them the necessary impetus to continue with their work. She concludes her talk by exhorting the designers to let go of their creativity in a way where they can visualize at different scales. She declares that design is not only aesthetic but it also serves the humanity through innovative input that facilitates to meet the challenges of the time. (272

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How to Write a Good Essay Essay Example for Free

How to Write a Good Essay Essay A standard essay establishes a writer’s personal understanding, recommendation, analysis, and explanation of a specific topic. This piece of writing is generally used to teach, inform, orient, inspire, refute, warn, or even entertain the reader. As such, a good essay is well-researched, informative, interesting, well-written and easy to read. In order to write a good essay, writers can follow these guidelines: First, the chosen topic must be extensively researched from credible sources such as libraries, academic databases, factual websites, surveys, and interviews. Through adequate research, the writer gains sufficient knowledge in dissecting and discussing the topic at hand. In this stage, other areas and sub-topics are also discovered while listing notes, important keywords and ideas. Upon completion of the research, the writer must digest all useful information to plan and write the essay in a systematic manner that clearly explains its topic while distinguishing the introduction, body and conclusion of the essay. The introduction contains the thesis statement or central theme of the essay which gives a general idea on what the written work is all about. Read more:Â  How to write diagnostic essay samples. Therefore, the writer must strive to make it interesting enough for the reader to continue reading the whole essay. After the thesis statement, the body is written by using the researched notes and summaries taken during research. Initial questions previously laid down to determine the outline of the essay must now be answered. Ideally, this is done by composing several paragraphs where each paragraph systematically tackles questions addressing who, what, when, where, why and how. Supplementary examples geared towards reinforcing the thesis statement such as statistical data and other studies can also assist in further expressing the idea of the essay. However, the writer must keep in mind to cite sources and acknowledge them accordingly to avoid plagiarism. Ideas and words borrowed from others, even if paraphrased, should be cited using the required referencing style. Widely used examples of these styles include the American Psychological Association (APA) and Modern Language Association (MLA). Since there are many existing styles, the writer must pattern the citation and format of the written piece according to the required style. Meanwhile, the conclusion is written by summarizing the important points, reiterating the thesis, and providing a call to action sentence for the reader to act on. A good essay imparts a lasting impression while encouraging the reader to think. In finalizing the essay, the writer must thoroughly edit and proofread the entire work. Spelling, grammatical, and structural errors should be checked again and again. One good way to do a spell-check is to read the essay backwards and check each word carefully. Most of the time, a good essay written by a good writer undergoes continuous editing, rephrasing, and rewriting until a cleaner and more concise copy is produced. For those aspiring to constantly write good essays, reading is a definite must to expand one’s vocabulary and exposure to other styles of writing. Careful research, effective writing, and thorough editing are essential stages of writing a good essay. By following these guidelines, together with constant learning, practice and dedication, one can develop the skills on how to write a good essay.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Theories of Development Essay -- Psychology

Theories of Development There are many branches of psychology. The field of human development is divided into five theory groups. The theory groups are Psychodynamic, Cognitive, Systems, Biological and Behavioral. Each theory group has many contributing theorists. Some theories overlap while others are independent. Often theories are credible whereas others cause skepticism. There are many contributors to the world of psychology with different views and beliefs about human development. Psychodynamic Theory Sigmund Freud was one of the most influential contributors to the field of psychology. Freud was born in 1856, in Moravia. In 1881, Freud received a doctorate in medicine. Freud’s main focus of study was neurology; this led him to begin concentrating his research on nervous disorders. Freud’s research brought him to his psychoanalytical theory. Freud’s theory suggests that an individual’s unconscious processes or thoughts contribute to one’s personality and influences one’s behavior. Freud’s theory included the concept that personality is composed of three elements: the id (pleasure seeker), the ego (deals with reality), and the superego (one’s sense of right and wrong). Freud also believed that human development consisted of five psychosexual stages: the oral stage (birth-18 months), anal stage (18 months-3 years), phallic stage (3-6 years), latency stage (6-12 years), and the genital stage (12 years and up). The theory includ ed the belief that if one wants to develop a healthy personality, one has to complete all five psychosexual stages successfully. Another great contributor to the Psychodynamic field of psychology is Erik Erickson. Erickson was born in 1902, in Germany. Erickson travelled around Europe and attended t... ...ps of human development have led to many breakthroughs in psychology. There are many theorists that have contributed to the five theory groups. However, there are also theorists that are considered to be the founders of each group. All of the theories are relative and may help explain human development, including one’s personality or behavior. Works Cited Crain, W. (2011). Theories of development: Concepts and applications. (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Craig, G. J., & Dunn, W. L. (2010). Understanding human development. (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Mike Wade (October 18, 2005) Theories used in Research General System Theories http://www.istheory.yorku.ca/generalsystemstheory.htm Walonick, David S. (1993) General Systems Theory. http://www.statpac.org/walonick/systems-theory.htm

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Alex Pardee

Alex Pardee Born and raised in Antioch, California, Alex Pardee is an up and coming artist who is breaking down many figurative aesthetic barriers. With a style molded from years of horror movies, comic books, old school gangster rap, and severe depression and anxiety, Alex’s style is simultaneously horrific and fascinating. Alex’s struggle within himself had a positive outcome that he intends to share with anyone with an open mind, eyes, and ears. At the age of 14, Alex was diagnosed with anxiety and depression.He was hospitalized for months, growing restless as the doctors tried to find the right combination of pills to make him back to â€Å"normal. † However, pills and therapy weren’t the treatment Alex needed. To keep himself busy during his days at the hospital, he drew to pass the time. His drawings became more elaborate and twisted as the number of days he spent behind white doors built up. When he was released, there was no turning back. As a chil d, Alex enjoyed newspaper comics. He and his sister would trace the comics and add their own captions.Alex Pardee has always been drawn (no pun intended) to â€Å"different† art, whether it be old movies like The Dark Crystal and Star Wars, graffiti, skateboard art, or the likes of Strawberry Shortcake. The first twisted comic that captured his interest was The Maxx, created by Sam Keith. Before he found The Maxx, he never took a liking to comic books, thinking they were all superhero nonsense. This dark, untidy comic about the tragic happenings of a teenage girl changed his view of the comic industry as a whole and inspired his own twisted, powerful, unkempt style.As far as education, Alex has no art degrees of any sort under his belt. When he was a kid, he wanted to be Bobo Fett. But, during high school, his dream was actually to attend film school, but that dream remained dormant due to his extremely introverted personality. The thought of social interactions during projec ts prevented him from pursuing that career. He chose art because he knew he could easily do that from the comfort and safety of his own home. â€Å"What inspires you? † is the most common and hated question that Alex is asked.The possibilities of that answer are always so complex and hard to materialize that he often gives simple answers that leave inquirers unsatisfied. To simplify the near novel-length answer, â€Å"at two it was Star Wars. At four it was Disneyland. At six it was my parents. At nine it was Garbage Pail Kids. At 14 it was Robocop. At 15 it was The Maxx. At 16 it was Street Fighter. At 17 it was graffiti. At 20 it was the discovery of ’zines and self-publishing. At 21 it was Photoshop. At 22 it was Half-Life. At 23 it was painting. At 25 it was screen-printing.At 26 it was Aqua Teen Hunger Forceand Adult Swim. At 30 it was Zerofriends. At 35 it was Chloe (his girlfriend). † Alex Pardee began with small drawings on scratch paper or in notebooks. Once his skills and techniques improved, he made photocopies of his sketches and rough copies of his books and began spreading them like wildfire around his town. Copies were strewn about waiting rooms, public restrooms, magazines, newspapers, and anywhere else he could think of putting them with the hopes that someone would recognize his talent and efforts.This continued until 1999, when a handful of other artists encouraged him to have his books professionally printed. To pay for printing expenses, he got a job at a toy store. He had the job for nine years and maintained a steady love/hate relationship throughout. In the first year at his toy store occupation, Alex released his first book, My Book of Colors. After the release, he began devoting all his time, blood, sweat, and tears into his skyrocketing career. Since then, he has released the book series Bunnywith and The Secrets of Hollywood.These releases branched out into calendars, clothing, posters, plush dolls, figurines, a nd multiple art exhibits. He is a member of the art groups Cardboard City and Zerofriends, which recently opened their own store in San Francisco, California. Alex has done artwork for the bands The Used, Aiden, In Flames, and Cage. His artwork for The Used’s album In Love and Death depicted a signature Pardee character named Chadam, whose story was made into a Warner Bros short film. He also did design and artwork for the movie Sucker Punch. Alex Pardee’s horrifically moving artwork has captured the interest of many around the world.His unique style has inspired that of many upcoming artists to create equally disturbing and fantastic pieces. Not only does he have thousands of sketches, paintings, and short stories to shed light on the warped convolutions of his mind, but he has a less than perfect back story and wicked sense of sarcasm to verify it. That’s all part of what makes him so fascinating. An intelligent and talented man, Alex Pardee is an icon of pers istence and individuality for thousands upon thousands of aspiring artists and seemingly lost inhabitants of Earth.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

What You Pawn I Will Redeem

The first part of this assignment asks us to list three pieces of fiction that you have read. This question is not easy for me being that I haven’t read many books in my lifetime. The only book I have read is the Holy Bible. I have read several books to my children such as The Three Little Pigs, and Little Red Robin and other children nursery rhymes short stories. What I liked about reading the stories to my children was watching and listening to them asks questions about the story and seeing their expression when the big bad wolf tried to blow their houses down. What I like about the Bible is it is full of quotes and stories that give me encouragement when I am going through. I read my Bible when things are not going right in my life and I can find comfort in the scriptures. The books of Psalms are considered songs that can comfort you, and convict you. When I read my bible I feel a connection with God, and this is a wonderful experience. The Bible teaches me how I am to treat my neighbors. It teaches me that if I don’t work then I can’t. It prepares me for Jesus return and if I want to make heaven my eternal home then I have to follow the guidelines that are in the 66 books of the bible. Literature to me is reading different ways that writers put words together and make it into a story, a poem and other reading material. Literature is a source of expression of one’s thoughts that is put onto paper for others to read and gain insight on other people’s thoughts. Literature comes in different forms such as books, and magazines. There are other ways literature can be enjoyed by everybody even if you have a disability such as a blind person can use Braille and listen to a book in audio format. My thoughts on why I think literature is valuable or a waste of time is I have mixed feeling about this. I believe literature is valuable because it helps us to understand the thoughts of others. Literature is valuable in this day and age because if you cannot read or write you will have a hard time finding ways to support yourself and your family. To me it is a waste when your career choice is Medical Coding and Billing, and they give you a literature course that has nothing to do with what you are paying good money to learn your career chose. Part B What are the main points of this piece? They are talking about a homeless man that is dealing with his biological family and the people who live on he street with him that he calls family too. He deals with his being a Native American Indian and being stereotype by others. Even though we as a people stereotype others by how they look, where they live or because they don’t look or do the same as you do, the author wants the people to know all people can be redeemed no matter how low they get in life. What are the images the author co njures for the reader? Some of the images I seen were after fifty years of not knowing who stole their grandmothers regalia and it suddenly appears as Jackson and his friends are on the streets panhandling. Another image was the yellow bead that was sewn somewhere into the regalia. This was a tribal tradition to hide it in the regalia so it wouldn’t be easy to find. What does the grandmother regalia symbolize? The regalia was worn when they participated in the powwow dance, which was a traditional ceremony performed by the Native American Indians. It is a decorative cloth with feathers and beads which are sewn in. It reflects an individual’s life and their circumstances. How does the author use the element of surprise? What You Pawn I Will Redeem English 102 MWF 11-11:50 I really enjoyed the story What You Pawn I will Redeem. It was very well written and kept my attention throughout the story. It is amazing that he walked by a pawnshop and immediately recognized his grandmother’s regalia without ever seeing it other than in pictures. I enjoy reading about Native American cultures and beliefs. There was a lot of humor in this story and Jackson definitely did not take himself too seriously. I think the 1st person narrator was very important in telling this story.I do not feel that Jackson was an unreliable narrator because he seemed to tell it like it is. He had no reason to try to make himself look better. He seems to accept himself for who he is. He is an honest man who seems to be well liked by everybody he deals with on a regular basis, from the cop to the guy with the newspapers. He shows his struggles with alcohol and also his giving nature. All the money he came across he spent not just on himself getting drunk bu t on others as well.I believe that the theme of the story is that no matter where you go in your life you never forget or really give up where you come from. Jackson Jackson has been homeless for six years away from his family in Spokane yet as soon as he saw his grandmother’s regalia in the window he knew it was hers even before they find the yellow bead. It then becomes his mission to gather the money to get it back. The regalia is a piece of him and the life he left behind. Even though he does not come up with the money to buy it back he still ends up with it in the end.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Am. Freedom

Freedom in America No other democratic society in the world permits personal freedoms to the degree of the United States of America. Within the last sixty years, American courts, especially the Supreme Court, have developed a set of legal doctrines that thoroughly protect all forms of the freedom of expression. When it comes to evaluating the degree to which we take advantage of the opportunity to express our opinions, some members of society may be guilty of violating the bounds of the First Amendment by publicly offending others through obscenity or racism. Americans have developed a distinct disposition toward the freedom of expression throughout history. The First Amendment clearly voices a great American respect toward the freedom of religion. It also prevents the government from "abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Since the early history of our country, the protection of basic freedoms has been of the utmost importance to Americans. In Langston Hughes' poem, "Freedom," he emphasizes the struggle to enjoy the freedoms that he knows are rightfully his. He reflects the American desire for freedom now when he says, "I do not need my freedom when I'm dead. I cannot live on tomorrow's bread." He recognizes the need for freedom in its entirety without compromise or fear. He depicts how people of all backgrounds worked together for one cause: freedom. Among the many forms of protests are pickets, strikes, public speeches and rallies. Recently in New Jersey, more than a thousand community activists rallied to draft a "human" budget that puts the needs of the poor and handicapped as a top priority. Rallies are an effective means for people to use their freedoms effectively to bring about change from the government. Freedom of spe... Free Essays on Am. Freedom Free Essays on Am. Freedom Freedom in America No other democratic society in the world permits personal freedoms to the degree of the United States of America. Within the last sixty years, American courts, especially the Supreme Court, have developed a set of legal doctrines that thoroughly protect all forms of the freedom of expression. When it comes to evaluating the degree to which we take advantage of the opportunity to express our opinions, some members of society may be guilty of violating the bounds of the First Amendment by publicly offending others through obscenity or racism. Americans have developed a distinct disposition toward the freedom of expression throughout history. The First Amendment clearly voices a great American respect toward the freedom of religion. It also prevents the government from "abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Since the early history of our country, the protection of basic freedoms has been of the utmost importance to Americans. In Langston Hughes' poem, "Freedom," he emphasizes the struggle to enjoy the freedoms that he knows are rightfully his. He reflects the American desire for freedom now when he says, "I do not need my freedom when I'm dead. I cannot live on tomorrow's bread." He recognizes the need for freedom in its entirety without compromise or fear. He depicts how people of all backgrounds worked together for one cause: freedom. Among the many forms of protests are pickets, strikes, public speeches and rallies. Recently in New Jersey, more than a thousand community activists rallied to draft a "human" budget that puts the needs of the poor and handicapped as a top priority. Rallies are an effective means for people to use their freedoms effectively to bring about change from the government. Freedom of spe...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Isogram - Definition and Examples in English

Isogram s in English Definition In morphology and verbal play, an isogram is a word with no repeating letters (such as ambidextrously) or, more broadly, a word in which the letters occur an equal number of times. The term isogram  (derived from two Greek words meaning equal and letter)  was coined by Dmitri Borgmann in  Language on Vacation: An Olio of Orthographical Oddities  (Scribner, 1965). Pronunciation I-se-gram Also Known As non-pattern word First-Order, Second-Order, and Third-Order Isograms In a first-order isogram, each letter appears just once: dialogue is an example. In a second-order isogram, each letter appears twice: deed is an example. Longer examples are hard to find: they include Vivienne, Caucasus, intestines, and (important for a phonetician to know this) bilabial. In a third-order isogram, each letter appears three times. These are very rare, unusual words such as deeded (conveyed by deed), sestettes (a variant spelling of sextets), and geggee (victim of a hoax). I dont know of any fourth-order isograms... The really interesting question is: which is the longest isogrammatic place-name in English? As far as I knowand thats an important qualificationit is a small village in Worcestershire, west of Evesham: Bricklehampton. Its 14 letters, with no spaces, make it the longest such name in the language. (David Crystal, By Hook or by Crook: A Journey in Search of English. Overlook, 2008) The Longest Nonpattern Word The longest nonpattern word ever devised utilizes 23 of the 26 letters of our alphabet: PUBVEXINGFJORD-SCHMALTZY, signifying as if in the manner of the extreme sentimentalism generated in some individuals by the sight of a majestic fjord, which sentimentalism is annoying to the clientele of an English inn. This word is also an example of going to the uttermost limit in the way of verbal creativeness. (Dmitri Borgmann, Language on Vacation: An Olio of Orthographical Oddities. Scribner, 1965) The Longest Isogram in the Dictionary UNCOPYRIGHTABLE [is] the longest isogram in Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, the source used in Scrabble for long words. Borgmann, who searched the dictionary manually in his quest to manipulate the language, coined UNCOPYRIGHTABLE by placing the prefix UN- before the dictionary-sanctioned COPYRIGHTABLE. (Stefan Fatsis, Word Freak: Heartbreak, Triumph, Genius, and Obsession in the World of Competitive Scrabble Players. Houghton-Mifflin, 2001)

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Marks & Spencer plc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marks & Spencer plc - Essay Example The management of the company may want to contemplate a change of strategy, for example by reducing its current liabilities, to avoid landing into financial problems. The ratio has declined from 0.74 in 2011 to 0.73 in 2012, which could be attributable to leaner working capital cycle or deteriorating liquidity position (Bodie, Alex, and Alan, 2004; Damodaran, 2002). 2011 2012 Industry Current Asset 1,641.7 1,460.1 Current Liabilities 2,210.2 2,005.4 0.74 0.73 1.44 Quick ratio Quick ratio = [cash and equivalents + short-term investments + accounts receivable]/current liabilities 2011 2012 Industry Cash and equivalents 470.2 196.1 Short-term investments 18.4 67.0 Accounts receivable 250.3 253.0 Total Current liabilities 2,210.2 2,005.4 Quick ratio 0.334 0.257 0.82 Unlike the current ratio, this ratio is more conservative because it does not include inventory from the current assets. This ratio further shows that Mark & Spenser is likely to have problems meeting its short-term obligatio ns with its most liquid assets, especially considering the ratio is significantly below the industry average (M&S, 2012; Weston, 1990; Houston and Brigham, 2009). Leverage against KPI As discussed, the company’s leverage is unfavourable, but with the continuing efforts to build the company to become more international.ly focussed, with the sales expected to increase by 5.8% by 2013, the increased revenue can be used to offset the excessive shot-term debt. This will lead into a more balanced liquidity position, hence freeing the company from the risk of bankruptcy (Weygandt et al., 1996; HayGroup, 2006). Solvency ratio Solvency Ratio = [After Tax Net Profit + Depreciation]/ [Long Term Labialise + Short-Term Liabilities] 2011 ?m 2012 ?m After Tax Net Profit 782.7 371.4 Depreciation 467.5 479.7 Total 1250.2 851.1 Long-Term Liabilities 2,456.5 2,489.1 Short-Term Liabilities 2,210.2 2,005.4 Total 4,666.70 4,494.50 Solvency Ratio 0.27 0.19 Solvency is used to measure the companyâ⠂¬â„¢s ability to meet its long-term obligations. In other words, it measure’s the ability of the company to go on with meeting its debt requirements. The solvency ratio of 2011 was financially healthy, but that of 2013 was not healthy because as a general rule of thumb a ratio that is greater than 20% is considered financially healthy. It is discouraging to note that the company’s solvency ratio is dropping because this could expose the company to a situation of defaulting on its debt obligations (Gates, 2002). Debt to equity ratio Debt to equity ratio = Total debt/ [Owner’s Equity] 2012 2011 Industry Total debt 2,778.8 2,677.4 Owner’s equity 4,494.5 4,666.7 Debt to equity ratio 61.8 57.3 42.35 The debt-to-equity ratio indicates the degree of financial leverage that the company is using to improve its profitability. This ratio has increased to 61.8 from 57.3 in 2011, which may imply that the management should restrain use of additional increases in debt caused by purchases of fixed assets or inventory. The

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Dirct and eMarketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dirct and eMarketing - Essay Example This connection between good levels of customer service and good levels of customer satisfaction and retention underpins the common association of customer service with keeping, rather than winning, customers. Customer service therefore plays a pivotal role in relationship marketing. Getting this role right, and to a standard of expertise that is superior to that of competitors and sustainable in the longer term, requires an in-depth understanding of the nature and nuance of customer service. Knowing customers means closing the loop between the messages sent to them and the messages they send back. Developments in IT have led to interactive communication tools such as the mobile phones being used to complement less interactive mechanisms such as mail or media advertisements. Growing use of carefully targeted direct mail has characterized this as the age of addressability. "Mobile commerce refers to transactions using a wireless device and data connection that result in the transfer of value in exchange for information, services, or goods. Mobile commerce, facilitated generally by mobile phones, includes services such as banking, payment, and ticketing" (Mobile commerce, 2005). "Some organisations view m-Commerce as merely another e-Commerce channel, those organisations that exploit the m-Commerce channel properly by developing alternative and complementary propositions will be more successful in m-Commerce" (E-Commerce, 2001). For suppliers, building longer-term customer relationships with the help of m-commerce means maintaining a dynamic knowledge of customers' requirements, preferences and expectations. While corner shop managers may be able to retain customer likes and dislikes in their heads, larger organizations need customer relationship management systems which manage data throughout the customer life-cycle, from initial contact, through information exchange and sales, to delivery and post-sales service. "Elsewhere in Asia, subscribers to Hong Kong mobile service Sunday can receive offers from shops as they pass them in the mall"(May, 2001). This interaction is as important with the mobile as with any other communication medium, and outsource its development and operations with minimal provision for information transfer - hence repeating the mistakes often made in the early days of the call centre. As surveys continue to show, advertising products and services with the help of m-commerce is relatively easy; more difficult, but absolutely crucial, is to gather vital customer information, obtain customer feedback, utilize existing knowledge about the customer and exploit the interactive nature to add value though product configuration (Evans, O'Malley, 2004). For instance, "a European-based mobile operator recently had some tickets for a pop concert for sale. Having identified a target audience, specials offers were sent to mobile customers by SMS allowing them to buy tickets at a discounted rate. Within an hour, all the tickets had been sold for approximately $100 each, customer details had been captured, and most customers had given permission for further follow up offers" (E-commerce, 2001). It is apparent that some industries are being restructured as organizations redefine themselves to take advantage of IT-enabled marketing, or are replaced by newcomers which operate

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

This module is entitled Performance Management. What do you think is Essay

This module is entitled Performance Management. What do you think is meant by this title - Essay Example s theory believes that motivated behaviour creates unwanted drives and desires in an employee and hampers his/her work equilibrium both externally and internally. Efforts should be made to reduce the unwanted desires/drives of employees (Kandula, 2006, p. 12). They give an insight into, how the company is advancing. They help in evaluating the operational and organizational goals of the company. Non-financial objectives help in strengthening the framework of the company and help in achieving long term operational goals (The Knowledge behind the News, 2000). Sears Holding Corporation is the third largest retailer in the USA. After the company merged with Kmart Corporation, It started following the performance management technique which led to a healthy working atmosphere and increased the leadership skills of the managers and improved the productivity of the employees (Smither, and London, 2009). The company CISCO has introduced a new software called Cisco Application Performance Management (APM) service which helps employees to have unlimited access to wireless Local Area Network and data centres (Cisco, n.d.). This has helped in reducing the operational costs, strategic costs, initial capital outlay and sales turnover The increasing competitiveness among employees and business organizations has steadily increased. The human resource of the organization can only help in achieving its organizational goal and this can be a significant tool in increasing healthy competitiveness among employees. Let us take an example and evaluate the effectiveness of performance management. If an employee spends more time in interacting with the clients than spending time in the office, it would enhance their efficiency levels. This is a practical approach which helps the company to achieve its strategic goals. Job analysis is a perquisite for performance management. Understanding the job role not only gives clarity to the employees but also a clear understanding of how their

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Against Hitler

Dietrich Bonhoeffer Against Hitler Dietrich Bonhoeffer is remembered for many things. He was a highly influential theologian and preacher. His importance as a theologian has only increased since his death. However, he is also remembered for his opposition against Nazi Germany. For the purposes of this paper, I look at three aspects of Bonhoeffers involvement. First, I examine his statements against Hitler and the extent to which he sought to make his opinions known. Second, I consider his involvement in conspiracies to eliminate Hitler. Lastly, I examine Bonhoeffers reflections on his actions, which he wrote while in prison. Although Bonhoeffers actions may raise many questions of morality and ethics, there is no doubt that he played a significant role within the opposition of Nazi Germany. When many people study the Holocaust, they fault Christians for remaining silent as Hitler performed one horrific act after another. Many would say that silence was just as horrible as killing the victims. Bonhoeffer cannot be faulted for this. Rather, he proved to be very outspoken. One of his most popular speeches was that on a German radio show. He was to speak on The Younger Generations Altered View of the Concept of Fuhrer in the Berlin Potsdamerstrasse Voxhaus (broadcasting house). Dietrich was not hesitant to express how he felt about the Fuhrer principle. This speech was given on February 1, 1933, and Hitler had just risen to power days prior. Much of Bonhoeffers words addressed the notion that the youth had been led astray concerning their concept of the Fuhrer. His boldest statement was said toward the end of the broadcast. However, once broadcasters realized that these words should not be heard by others, he was turned off. This was proof that Joseph Goebbels (the Nazi min ister of propaganda) had most likely gained the control of the radio station. Bonhoeffer stated that his speech was carefully planned to fit the allotted time. His final sentences read, should the leader surrender to the wishes of his followers, who would always make him their idol- then the image of the Leader will gradually become the image of the misleaderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Leaders or offices which set themselves up as gods mock God (Bethge, pg. 260). His entire speech was later copied and distributed. Bonhoeffer felt that the Fuhrer principle was nothing short of idolatry. Therefore, he was implying that Hitler demanded his people to worship him. This was contempt. This proved to be one of Dietrich Bonhoeffers first outbursts on Hitler. However, there were many others of the sort. There is an account in which Bishop Bell gives that he speaks of Bonhoeffer being very outspoken against Germany. Bell recalls sitting with him amongst others at a friends home in Geneva. Dietrich is approached with the question about what he is praying for. He responds with very harsh statements. If you want to know the truth, I pray for the defeat of my nation, for I believe that is the only way to pay for all the suffering which my country has caused in the world (Bosanquet, pg. 229). He was much convicted about the acts of injustice in which Hitler was repeatedly performing. Bonhoeffer knew that the annihilation of the Jews was wrong, and he was not ashamed to let others know his beliefs. Bell gives an account of a later statement that Bonhoeffer made, If we claim to be Christians there is no room for expediency. Hitler is Antichrist; therefore we must go on with our work and eliminate him, whether he be successful or not (Bosanquet, pg. 229). He felt that it was necessary for him to aid in the elimination of the Fuhrer. Next, I study Bonhoeffers involvement in the conspiracy to kill Hitler. He participated in the Abwehr, which was the military counter intelligence. Within this group was also his brother-in-law, Hans von Dohnanyi. It is said that Dohnanyi was directly involved in the plot to assassinate Hitler. However, Bonhoeffer had somewhat of a different role. It was his duty to contact other countries to gain their support if the assassination were to prove successful. He spent much time traveling, making others aware of the resistance movement. He felt that it was important to know that they had allies assuming that the German government was taken over. Upon visiting Geneva, he attempted to convince them of this, What they needed, Dietrich explained, was a signal from the Allies that once the Nazis were overthrown, the Allies were prepared to recognize a new German government (Raum, pg. 126). This was clearly a well thought out plan. Dietrich traveled to Norway, Italy, as well as Switzerland to gain the support of Bishop Bell. He also attempted to make connections with other German resistance groups, but difficulties arose. A very important assassination attempt took place on March 7, 1943. Hitler was traveling to East Prussia by way of plane. A gift disguised as a box of Brandy was given to him. However, it was a bomb. The bomb was sneaked onto the plane, but it never ignited. Involved in this attempt were members of the Abwehr. This included General Oster, Admiral Canaris, Dohnanyi, Fabian von Schlabrendorff, and General Henning von Tresckow (Raum, pg. 132). Due to the failed attempt, the Abwehr decided to try again. They developed another strategy to kill Hitler. Hitler was originally scheduled to attend a ceremony at an army museum on March 16, 1943, however he rescheduled for March 21st. Colonel von Gersdorff was supposed to get the bomb into Hitlers presence without causing much commotion, even if this meant killing himself in the process. Needless to say, this attempt failed as well. Fortunately, they were not caught in the attempt to execute the assassination. Bonhoeffer was at home with his family during this attempt; however he was expecting a phone call announcing Hitlers assassination, and was disappointed to hear of the failed endeavor. There was in fact a third attempt to kill Hitler, but Bonhoeffer had already been arrested. He was arrested in 1943 in connection with the assassination attempt on Hitler (Scott and Cavanaugh, pg. 139). However, since the Abwehr was a secret group, many of the documents were hidden or destroyed. As a result, there was limited evidence. Much of the evidence used to arrest Bonhoeffer was his connection to Operation 7. The operation was designed to help to free several Jews. The Abwehr was attempting to help the Jews to Switzerland. The fact that Bonhoeffer was involved in several attempts to kill Hitler raises many questions. Due to the fact that Dietrich considered himself a devout member of the Confessing Church makes one question how his beliefs would support such an act. However, Dietrich does not express any conviction about his involvement in the multiple plots to murder Hitler. Bonhoeffer clearly felt that the assassination of Hitler was the last resort. Hitlers actions were proving to gain momentum and were spinning out of control. Therefore Dietrich felt that it was necessary to take action. Through the reading of his writings leading up to his death, he does not seem to be living in fear. He almost appears to be welcoming death. In the first sentence of a writing titled Death, he states Come now thou greatest of feasts on the journey to freedom eternal (Bosanquet, pg. 265). As one can see, Bonhoeffer appears to be at great peace with his fate. Many within the prison commented that Bonhoeffer seemed to be very lively and almost happy. Others would argue that this was due to the fact that the Soviets were closing in and that the prisoners were anticipating liberation. However, fellow prisoners describe it as an inner joy that he experienced. This joy Bonhoeffer desired to share with others. During his imprisonment at Tegel while awaiting trial, many descri be Bonhoeffer as victorious. Bonhoeffer experienced a change of heart. As a result, he no longer viewed his own sufferings within prison as something of which he should be concerned. Rather he stated, we throw ourselves completely into the arms of God, taking seriously not our own sufferings, but the sufferings of God in the world (Bosanquet, pg. 271). Bonhoeffer viewed the acts of injustice as not only actions taken against innocent victims, he saw them as actually taking unjust actions toward God. It appears as if Dietrich did not view his involvement in the Abwehr as wrong. Through his writings in prison and the comments of others, he had a clear conscience and eagerly awaited his arrival in Heaven. In conclusion, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a very influential person during the World War II and especially in opposition to the Nazi Regime. As one can see in his radio broadcast, from the beginning he was very outspoken against Hitler and the Fuhrer principle. He was very bold in comparing this principle to the mockery of God. He played a very active role in the military counter intelligence (Abwehr). Bonhoeffer never hesitated in completing his assignments to gain support of the actions to overthrow the German government. Many would agree that Dietrich Bonhoeffer was very confident that his actions against Hitler were not wrong. Rather, he felt that they were his duty as a result of a conviction to do the right thing. His statements on death and also his inner joy as a result of a relationship with God greatly support this claim.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Handmaids Tale Essays: Offred :: Handmaids Tale Essays

Offred of The Handmaids Tale I have decided to analyze the main character Offred because she seams to feel trapped in this new society. She speaks very openly about the situation thats she's in and plays her actions very well. I will do an overall analysis of her actions. Offred is a very strange character. She follows the new rules of her society unlike her rebellious friend Moira. But you can also tell that Offred misses her family very much and she always goes back in her head to remember the past. "Our happiness is part memory. What I remember is Luke, with me in the hospital, standing beside my head, holding my hand....." (Atwood pg.126) But Offred has replaced Luke in this new world with Nick who will be the next man standing beside her bedside. There are also times when Offred acts as if she wants to forget who she really is or was. "But thats where I am, there's no escaping it. time's a trap, I'm caught in it. I must forget about my secret name and all ways back. My name is Offred now, and here is where I live.... I am thirty- three years old. I have brown hair. I stand five seven without shoes. I have trouble remembering what I use to look like. I viable ovaries. I have one more chance." Here it seams as if all Offred values is her ovaries because thats what everyone else values and now she feels as if thats her only way to survive through this society. (Atwood pg.143) Now that Offred has this relationship with the Commander and Nick at the same same time. She feels as if she has power in the sense that she's the only one that knows whats going on with the Commander. She loves having something over Serena Joy. "The fact is that I'm his mistress. Men at the top have always had mistresses, why should things be any different now ?.... Sometimes I think she knows.... and is laughing at me as I laugh, from time to time and with irony, at myself." She sees this as a joke to the whole center. But this gives her something to look forward to. She enjoys his company and she loves the fact that she has this secret which no one else knows about. "But even so, and stupidly enough, I'm happier than I was before. Free Handmaid's Tale Essays: Offred :: Handmaid's Tale Essays Offred of The Handmaids Tale I have decided to analyze the main character Offred because she seams to feel trapped in this new society. She speaks very openly about the situation thats she's in and plays her actions very well. I will do an overall analysis of her actions. Offred is a very strange character. She follows the new rules of her society unlike her rebellious friend Moira. But you can also tell that Offred misses her family very much and she always goes back in her head to remember the past. "Our happiness is part memory. What I remember is Luke, with me in the hospital, standing beside my head, holding my hand....." (Atwood pg.126) But Offred has replaced Luke in this new world with Nick who will be the next man standing beside her bedside. There are also times when Offred acts as if she wants to forget who she really is or was. "But thats where I am, there's no escaping it. time's a trap, I'm caught in it. I must forget about my secret name and all ways back. My name is Offred now, and here is where I live.... I am thirty- three years old. I have brown hair. I stand five seven without shoes. I have trouble remembering what I use to look like. I viable ovaries. I have one more chance." Here it seams as if all Offred values is her ovaries because thats what everyone else values and now she feels as if thats her only way to survive through this society. (Atwood pg.143) Now that Offred has this relationship with the Commander and Nick at the same same time. She feels as if she has power in the sense that she's the only one that knows whats going on with the Commander. She loves having something over Serena Joy. "The fact is that I'm his mistress. Men at the top have always had mistresses, why should things be any different now ?.... Sometimes I think she knows.... and is laughing at me as I laugh, from time to time and with irony, at myself." She sees this as a joke to the whole center. But this gives her something to look forward to. She enjoys his company and she loves the fact that she has this secret which no one else knows about. "But even so, and stupidly enough, I'm happier than I was before.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Example Investigative Fire Report

Access to the property is at the gravel driveway to the left and I made entry into the Truckee was made through the front door after documenting photos of the outside of the structure. The fire occurred during the day, which was bright and sunny with temperature at degrees, there was also a slight breeze at about MPH from the n/ w. The breeze would have been blowing against the backside corner of the home. Witnesses/Occupants 0-1 : john Bush, 100 Eddie Lane, Bottoms, NC 28001 DOBB 12-01-88, occupation – student/part- time evening meme. -2: Susan Bush, 100 Eddie Lane, Bottoms, NC 28001 DOBB 5-11-91, occupation – Statements Made by Witnesses/Occupants Statements made to Fire Captain: 0-2: Said she was up late studying, Just laid down on the couch, fell asleep, did not know how the fire started. Felt sure it was a problem with the house, complained several times to the landlord about problems with no response, complained of several welling Issues. Salad she was a smoker bu t stated put cigarettes completely out while doing her work. 0-1 : John had agreed with Susan confirming the issues with the wiring.He also stood behind his wife and said she was always safe with her cigarettes Observations Data collection began with photos being taken beginning outside and moving indoors. No smoke alarms or water sprinklers have been noted. Pictures should always be labeled when providing evidence and these photos will be numbered In this report. Upon entry of the structure, the majority of fire damage was concentrated to the main living room area which indicates that this is the point of origin. This room contained a heavily burned sofa and table next to the sofa as shown in pictures #12- #14, the major fuel sources in the room.The fire moved up the wall and across the lining, as shown in pictures #6 & At the front door, the heat and smoke began to roll-down and cause damage, as seen In picture #10. Two mattresses are In an The windows in many of the photos remain ed closed with burned shades which means the fire did not have adequate ventilation to grow rapidly through the structure. The windows which are open may have been opened during suppression of the fire or immediately afterwards to ventilate the structure.One interesting observation in photo #2 is the power box which has no meter, meaning there is no power set up by the power company to this structure. Unless the occupants are stealing power, then an electrical fire can be ruled out. No generator can be seen and no drop cords were photographed, so the theory is that there is no power to the structure (Morris, 4/23/14). Opinions/Theories The point of origin being in the living room with the heaviest damage focused on the end of the sofa and the table next to the sofa.Based on the statements made by the occupants three hypotheses exist as to the cause of the fire: 1 . Based on the severity of the damage to the end of the sofa in photos #12-#14 & #17-#19 and the tenements made by the oc cupants regarding the smoking of cigarettes, a smoldering cigarette fell into the cushions of the sofa and later ignited. In the incipient stage, the temperature had not begun to rise yet and a plume of hot gases rises from the flame (p. 55). Pictures #15-#17 show alligator of the wood in the sofa at the one end which also indicates this is where the fire originated (p. 281).The fuels burned and the heat moved toward the top of the room, this explains the blackening of the ceiling. With the lack of ventilation, the fire did not spread quickly which provided refreshers enough time to respond and suppress. 2. Also, based on the statements made by the occupants regarding smoking cigarettes, I would want to know more about how they normally discarded/dispose of their cigarette butts. Are they dumping an ashtray in a trashcan inside or outside? Could there have been an ashtray on the table next to the sofa which contained either a still lit cigarette or a smoldering cigarette?If so, what type of ashtray? Metal, glass, heavy or lightweight? If any windows were open and the ashtray was light enough, could it have blown off or loon then cigarette off onto the sofa and ignited the fire? This is a working theory because there are questions which need to be answered. 3. Going on the assumption that there is no electricity to the home, it is highly possible there may have been a burning candle either on the window sill behind the sofa or on the table next to the sofa which may have fallen or tipped towards the sofa which ignited the sofa.With statistics showing that 7 out of 10 people in America burn candles and the added question regarding power in this structure, it is a workable theory that a Andre accidentally ignited this fire (p. 173). In photos #12, #13, #19 & #20, the window directly behind the end of the sofa which is mostly burned being the origin of the fire, is also heavily blackened from soot and has a darker â€Å"U† burn pattern on the right lower si de (p. 258-263). There is no physical evidence to suspect an incendiary cause of the fire to the structure. The evidence and observation supports an accidental cause.Documentation/Evidence A total of 21 photos are attached to the report of the outside and inside of the structure. Close up photos of the point of origin are included. Where recovered, where sent for analysis, and any special notes are included. Summary of Incident On April 21, 2014, Investigator Boiling responded to 100 Eddie Lane, at the request of the Captain from Engine 1 . Arrival at the scene by the unit was 0200 hours. The investigator observed a wood-frame construction, two-story, one-family residence. The investigation revealed that the fire had originated in the living room at the end of the sofa.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Challenges facing college student Essay

College life is changing for nearly every student. From meal plans and roommates to study abroad and college finances. College life can be a difficult thing to get used to and handle. There will be a lot of time where you doubt yourself and your decision.A lot of student became overwhelm by the requirement of college, the change that took place too fast. No matter how prepared you think you are for college, there are still of shock when you come and have to deal with responsible, the stress of school. and adapting to college campus. The most frequent complaint heard from college students is that their professors are out to fail them and ruin their chance at getting a career. But, what they need to understand is that the professors job is not to force you to do your work, they will not follow you home to make sure that you do what you have to in order to pass the class. Responsible,that seem to be the thing a lot of freshman students seem to lack. They think that they can get away with the same thing that they have been getting away with in high school, that their teacher will pressure them to do their homework and class works in order to pass the class. What they need to understand that they are paying for the education that they are getting, it is up to them if they choose to take it seriously or not. However, it is hard for some kids to go from a high school where their teacher would be on their back about the work their missing work to a college student where the professor would tell them what they need to do and it is up to them if they complete the work or not. Read more:  How to Overcome Challenges Essay On our defence, it hard sometime to go from having some one holding your hand to having to do everything on your own. In your first year of high school, the teacher tell you that they are not here to babysit anyone, they are here to prepare you for college. Yet,they would still hold student hand through the whole process and some can’t break through that phase and take responsible for their own success. what they should do if they are having a hard is to seek help, go see a tutor, work out a time management schedule for your self, and work on doing thing by your self. Success on any major scale requires you to accept responsibility. One of the great destroyers of college students is the belief that thing are very complex, and falling victim to stress. Stress in student happens when student are trying to adjust to college life, emotionally or mentally. Students today face many issues in their life that may clash with their college life like family problem, loss of employment, and school related issues. Student under a lot of stress can end up having depression which could cause student to believe that they are not living up to others expectation or their own expectation. Student end up giving up on their dream and getting some where in life and start doing poorly in school. Most students do not know how to handle the stress they have so they use alcohol, drugs or cheating as a stress reliever. It doesn’t get rid of the feeling you are having it only increase and get more complex until you can handle it no more.if you feel this way go see a student counslor , call a 24-hour help ling, or just find a good friend and tell them hoe you been feeling and together you can get the help you need.In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers. A majority student go out of state for their college experiences, the desire to get a degree at a university can be a rewarding experience but it can be a challenges to living on campus. For many it is the first time outside of the protection of their family’s security. Coming from parent that used to provide all they need and set the boundaries they went by. When they unleash to the life of a college student where the same life they used to live don’t apply any more. Some student take advantage of their new found freedom to try new thing like drinking, smoking, parties out with friend, wasting hundreds of dollar ruin their college years. Other fall under the pressure and fall prey to depression and bad thoughts. Taking advantage of your freedom can be in a good way like joining clubs, and spending your money wisely. If you new friend want you to join with them smoking and drinking then you need to get a new group if friend that would have a positive influences on you. The only time success occurs before work is in the dictionary. Too many student enter college thinking that theres nothing but good time, friendship, and a new change of direction. They soon come face to face with the challenges and struggles of college life. The challenge of having to take care of their education, having to depend on yourself for success. The struggle of feeling like you are a fail to everyone around you. The difficulty of getting used to all you used to know. They need to keep in their mind â€Å" Before you can work smart, you must work hard†. Opportunities don’t just happen, you need to create them.