Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Causes And Consequences Of Children Obesity - 1841 Words

Causes of Children Obesity Imagine yourself walking into a kindergarten class, and all you see are obese children not walking, but moving on wheels because they simply cannot walk anymore due to their excess body weight. Their legs are so weak since they have to handle so much more weight than what they are designed to do. This vision may no longer be fictional if the world keeps ignoring the issue of childhood obesity. Nowadays, not only adults, but the number of children who are obese are incredibly high. The topic has to be taken more seriously because it is not only bad for their health obviously but it is also abusive. Youngsters with obesity will tend to stay obese when they grow up and we can all agree it is not so pleasant to be†¦show more content†¦However, in order to achieve these â€Å"amazing skills†, our youngsters have to do nothing but sit in one place with their machines on hands. For instance, Gary Ruskin has shown us the number of hours in which youth spend on watching televi sion each week, â€Å"The average American child watches 19 hours and 40 minutes of TV per week--more than a thousand hours each year† ( paragraph 14). This has shown how inactive kids are in theses days. Thus, it has been confirmed by the research Relationship of Physical Activity and Television watch with Body Weight and the level of Fatness Among Children that watching TV plays a big part in child obesity since the human body cannot burn much fat efficiently when in the state of not physically active. Although American kids are doing harm to themselves by sitting and doing nothing, the case gets even worse when we look at the minorities such as African American kids, â€Å"African American teens watch 40 percent more prime time TV per week and nearly twice as much daytime TV as other teens† (Ruskin, paragraph 15). These facts are terrifying as it shows how unhealthy our next generations would be if this trend keep goes up. There are several reasons for this situatio n. One may comes from financial burdens which lead to kids having no luxuries in doing sports or

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