Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Causes And Consequences Of Children Obesity - 1841 Words

Causes of Children Obesity Imagine yourself walking into a kindergarten class, and all you see are obese children not walking, but moving on wheels because they simply cannot walk anymore due to their excess body weight. Their legs are so weak since they have to handle so much more weight than what they are designed to do. This vision may no longer be fictional if the world keeps ignoring the issue of childhood obesity. Nowadays, not only adults, but the number of children who are obese are incredibly high. The topic has to be taken more seriously because it is not only bad for their health obviously but it is also abusive. Youngsters with obesity will tend to stay obese when they grow up and we can all agree it is not so pleasant to be†¦show more content†¦However, in order to achieve these â€Å"amazing skills†, our youngsters have to do nothing but sit in one place with their machines on hands. For instance, Gary Ruskin has shown us the number of hours in which youth spend on watching televi sion each week, â€Å"The average American child watches 19 hours and 40 minutes of TV per week--more than a thousand hours each year† ( paragraph 14). This has shown how inactive kids are in theses days. Thus, it has been confirmed by the research Relationship of Physical Activity and Television watch with Body Weight and the level of Fatness Among Children that watching TV plays a big part in child obesity since the human body cannot burn much fat efficiently when in the state of not physically active. Although American kids are doing harm to themselves by sitting and doing nothing, the case gets even worse when we look at the minorities such as African American kids, â€Å"African American teens watch 40 percent more prime time TV per week and nearly twice as much daytime TV as other teens† (Ruskin, paragraph 15). These facts are terrifying as it shows how unhealthy our next generations would be if this trend keep goes up. There are several reasons for this situatio n. One may comes from financial burdens which lead to kids having no luxuries in doing sports or

Monday, December 16, 2019

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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Managing Complexity Compete Value Framework -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Managing Complexity Compete Value Framework? Answer: Introduction The competing value framework is one of the most influential and extensive model that has been used particularly to the organizational culture. In this week there was application of the competing values framework to this study (Cameron Quinn, 2011). In this week it was developing and communication a vision. As a manager in the organization there is need to vision statement which could speak to the employee, and at the same time encourage them to feel a part of the team. In this competency is in the second quadrant. In this quadrant the manager does not control the employees but rather inspire them. This leads to respect and commitment from the workers and it is crucial especially in improving the productivity and increasing the productivity of the organization. The relevant competency highlighted was innovator and the theory is goal setting that is based on the adaptability, growth and readiness for the manager (Tong Arvey, 2015). They are significant to the manager since they would be inspired and be able to effectively inspire other to the vision of the organization. I have discovered various things about myself in this week. I got some ability to craft vision and at the same try develop and communicate a vision. This has been portrayed from the project which we were undertaking I was able to guide the team members towards a focused objective to be able to do the project. Week 8 In this week reading on my take on the topic there was application of the competing value framework to the study on motivating self and others. As a manager one of the competencies is to motivate the employees which in turn affect the productivity positively. We are in the internal quadrant. In this quadrant the manager are responsible in combining the right combination of the motivational techniques along with rewards in order to satisfy the workers needs and encourage them to perform (Ancarani, Di Mauro Giammanco, 2009). The competency which is discussed is facilitator and mentor and the theory which we looked at was the expectancy theory. Based on this theory employees behaves in a given manner because they are motivated to select a given behavior due to what they expect the result of the behavior selected would be. As a manager this competency is important since they will identify the conditions for motivating the workers and works towards that. When the employees are rewarded based on the performance, they tend to behave in a certain way and they become more productive. I have learnt quite many things during this week topic in regards to motivation and this has made me understand myself better. As a leader I need to channel motivation towards accomplishing a given tasks. It could be within even the classroom set up, I need to motivate my fellow colleague in doing tasks and one way would be through motivating which could be intrinsic reward not necessarily extrinsic. This way I will become a better leader and help change others perspective to a positive manner. In this week it was on managing execution and driving for the results. There was application of the competing values framework to this study. In this study the objective is driving and implementing of the result to get things done (Billmeyer, 2006). The managers need to get done effectively and efficiently rather than just doing things within the organization. The quadrant that we are in is the external-control quadrant. The contemporary role of the managers falls in this quadrant. Their role consists of working productively, managing time and fostering a productive working environment. The competency look at is that coordinator and the theory is rational goal model. This competency makes a good manager because they are able to plan well and be able to manage the execution of various projects within organization (Quinn, Bright, Faerman, Thompson McGrath, 2014). They are able to execute their own time and consolidate their time to meet those tasks efficiently. I have discovered about myself that I need to develop this competency, since it would enable me manage my time well. Over sometime I have not been managing my time well in doing my tasks and this competency has shaped on my perspective of managing tasks effective and efficiently. This week study on championing and selling new ideas applied the competing values framework. It highlighted mainly on the substance and the style of communicating in regards to championing and selling ideas. The quadrant that is in this study is internal-control quadrant. This quadrant consists of building and maintaining a power base, presenting ideas along with negotiating of the agreement as well as commitment (Zohdi, 2017). The competency which we look at innovator and this is significant to a manager to a great deal. The manager needs to foster creative environment and create creative changes (Zohdi, 2017). The competency comprise of the framework which help in improving the quality of the manager communication and the ability to coach other employees in the organization. Based on the reading of the study I have discussed that am an innovator. I always foster on creating an environment and I sometimes offer a creative change. I always do things which could challenge me to see the blind spot and from this I tend to become creative. In this week study it is on negotiation and in this it has applied the competing values framework. Negotiation is not limited to any sessions and individual more often negotiate anytime. The quadrant is the external-flexible. The managers are responsible for facilitating participative decision making and at the same time making decisions in both personal and professional life (Kim, 2015). The competency that was looked at was being a broker or the facilitator. The competency could be helpful to the manager since they could use it to negotiating (Kim, 2015). They could exert some impact in the organization especially in knowing what individuals are ready to accept. The theory of focus is the human relations model where it is based on the cohesion and morale with emphasis on human resource particularly when negotiating. From this study I have discovered about myself that I have some negotiation skills. This has been exhibited in the classroom and outside classroom. For instance, when buying something I tend to use some negotiation skills to bargain a given item at a discounted price. This study has provided with comprehensive content which would enhance these skills. References Ancarani, A., Di Mauro, C., Giammanco, M. D. (2009). How are organisational climate models and patient satisfaction related? A competing value framework approach. Social science medicine, 69(12), 1813-1818. Billmeyer, R. (2006). Strategies to engage the mind of the learner: Creating strategic learners. ameron, K. S., Quinn, R. E. (2011). Diagnosing and changing organizational culture: Based on the competing values framework. John Wiley Sons. Kim, K., Kim, J. (2015, August). A Role of Information Security Committee based on Competing Values Framework. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2015 (p. 32). ACM. Tong, Y. K., Arvey, R. D. (2015). Managing complexity via the competing values framework. Journal of Management Development, 34(6), 653-673. Quinn, R. E., Bright, D., Faerman, S. R., Thompson, M. P., McGrath, M. R. (2014). Becoming a master manager: A competing values approach. John Wiley Sons Zohdi, T. I. (2017). An agent-based computational framework for simulation of competing hostile planet-wide populations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 314, 513-526.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Popular music and thinking errors

The contemporary society is full of things that can, possibly, affect the minds of young people adversely. Whatever these young people listen to, watch on television or in videos or even hear from others has the possibility of influencing their lives for the better or for the worse. One such phenomenon that has greatly polluted the minds of young people is music. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Popular music and thinking errors specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Young people are fond of listening to controversial music that can adversely affect their minds and even lead to depression in them. Being young, I am no exception. My favourite genre of music is rock which is mostly filled with pessimistic and angry messages in its lyrics. This paper is an exploration of how the lyrics in popular music may cause thinking errors in people and, possibly, lead to depression. Rock is one kind of music in which most songs por tray the same message. The message in the lyrics of rock songs is mostly that life is not worth living with the lyrics filled with numerous pessimistic and angry lines. Take for example the rock song I Hate Everything About You that is done by Three Days Grace. The lyrics of this song show a lot of hopelessness. First the singer shows how much he hates his girlfriend and asks why he does love her. This is an indication that relationships are more or less meant for convenience and that a person can hook up with just anybody. The listener may fail to get the reason why love is mixed with hate in this song. The singer claims that he loves his girlfriend and yet he hates everything about her. Life is also portrayed negatively since it does not make sense for the singer to continue seeing his girlfriend if he hates everything about her. As stated above, the lyrics show how hopeless life is to the singer. This is a perfect example of thinking errors caused by depression. Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It can be assumed that the singer spends a lot of time thinking about how imperfect his girlfriend is and being angry about it. This is the definition of depression. The song can potentially make another person to scrutinize their relationships more leading to a depression like that of the singer. Another similar song is She Hates Me, a rock song done by Puddle Of Mudd. The singer explains how he met a girl and fell in love with her. After knowing each other, he came to realize that she hated him. It is apparent from this explanation that the singer is very negative towards relationships and life. All he can see in the relationship is that the girl hates him and he cannot help to say he is glad that he split up with her. The lyrics are very hopeless and shows a person who lacks self esteem and who is probably in depression due to the same. The negativity in the s ing can also be very infectious to a listener who likes the song. It may make the listener to develop the characteristics of the singer portrayed in the lyrics. From the discussion above, it is apparent that the lyrics in popular music can have very disastrous effects on its listeners. People listening to negative, pessimistic and angry lyrics in a genre they like may be influenced to develop these characteristics. Most of these cases may eventually result in the depression of the listener due to the thinking errors in the song. This essay on Popular music and thinking errors was written and submitted by user Stryfe to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.